Getting Involved - Getting Involved


Now that you are a candidate, there is a lot you can do while you are waiting to attend your Ordeal.  As you know you must go through the Order within a year of the date of your election or you cease to be eligible and have to be elected all over again.

One of the most important things is to attend Chapter Meetings.  If you know your district, you can go to the Chapter Directory and find out the time and place of their meetings.  They should already know of your election and invite you to attend, but on the chance that they don't, email the Chief or Adviser and tell them you are coming.

Chapter meetings are where things happen.  You will find out about coming events, learns skills that you can take back to your unit, participate in the work of the chapter and especially enjoy the fellowship among the chapter members.

As a candidate you should not register for the site.  If your chapter page is not displayed, ask your chapter chief if you can have assess to it.

Need some further information on the OA, check out the history section or download the fact sheet.

The Chapter Chief is the key - he can let you in on what is happening and introduce you to everyone.

Start now - get involved.  Find out where and when and get to the next chapter meeting.

Last Updated (Tuesday, 19 March 2013 21:40)