postheadericon Condie 10-1-11

Lodge Advisers - Lodge Advisor's Minute


I welcome you to the Official Website of the Elkuta Lodge.  Please use the Registration Central link on the Right side of the page to view and register for upcoming Lodge events and activities.  condie We are off to a great start this year and I want to thank everyone for their support in the Lodge so far this year. We have some exciting things planned and want to have as many people involved as possible.  I would like to encourage every Ordeal member who has been a member for more than 10 months to please sign up for one of our upcoming Brotherhood Ceremonies and “Seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow”.  We would really like to see every adult and boy in our Lodge obtain the level of Brotherhood.  Thru Cheerful Service even in the midst of irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities, we can help develop and instill in the youth we Advise to be better people now and in the future

yours in Brotherhood


Cal Condie

Lodge Adviser